Kathryn Pinkham - The Insomnia Clinic

Kathryn Pinkham is a leading insomnia expert. She has run The Insomnia Clinic in London for 7 years which is now the UK's largest insomnia service. Her aim is to help you to fall asleep easily and sleep through the night so that you can live your life to the fullest.

She uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT-i) in a structured programme to help identify and replace thoughts and behaviours that cause or worsen sleep problems, with habits that promote sound sleep.

Check Kathryn out here: https://www.theinsomniaclinic.co.uk/about-me-kathryn-pinkham

Get to know Kathryn…

When did you realise that sleep was your passion?

I worked in the NHS and and as part of my work i trained in insomnia using CBT-i. The first client I worked with came back after 10 days and had gone from 2-3 hours a night to 7 hours and said it had changed her life! This was all i needed to hear to set me on the path of specialising in sleep. It’s so rewarding to see the impact that the work that I do can have on people who have felt like there is no hope for their sleep.

Who do you admire in the wellness community?

Currently I am really enjoying everything by The Holistic Psychologist. Her instagram posts really resonate and I have been reading her book which is wonderful! Alot of what she says can be applied to sleep as our beliefs about ourselves and our own abilities often feed into our sleep anxieties.

What’s the one thing you would tell your childhood self?

Worry less, trust the process, enjoy the journey and everything will work out fine. I was always a worrier and needed a plan but as I turned 40 this year I have learnt to enjoy learning and growing in both work and my personal life rather than needing to know the end results.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Hmmm, even though I sleep really well i am not a morning person! So I need a good 20 minutes to get going and a coffee! I like a slow start but I always eat breakfast otherwise I end up eating breakfast at bedtime!

Kate Black