Danielle Durant - Cobbled Kitchen

Danielle developed The Cobbled Kitchen out of a genuine desire to help you find your way through the stresses of modern life, to give you something that at least once a day connects us with what is good. She was acting on her desire to revive a seemingly dying art? The art of feeding ourselves with simple ingredients, cooking from scratch and without costing the earth.

Find out more about Danielle here: https://www.thecobbledkitchen.co.uk/background

A chat with Danielle…

When did you first discover your love for cooking? 

It was a natural progression from always loving creating things with my hands, whether it was mud-pies, lacemaking, marquetry and woodwork, dressmaking…. food became my medium for creativity when time ran out for the other things. Fortunately, I get to create everyday!

Who do you admire in the wellness community?

I admire anybody who stops for a chat, gives a smile when it’s hard for them to do so, serves others or simply makes a cup of tea - that’s sharing “wellness" in my eyes.

What’s the one thing you would tell your childhood self?

I don’t think I would. For a start, my advice would probably change from one decade to another and also, thanks to my upbringing I’ve always had a strong sense of self and believe we have to make and find our own paths. I would say to every female - childbirth, parenting and menopause are the most challenging things and seem to be designed to make life as difficult as possible, so don’t go into it lightly!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

The alarm clock and that sense of responsibility, duty and to just keep on going.

Kate Black