Take Control, Reclaim Your Energy,

Feel Lighter, Brighter & Full of Vitality

Hi I’m Kate - if you want to get your health back on track

you’re in the right place

  • Bespoke Personalised  Healthcare 

    Getting to the root of your health concern.  Aiming to Rebalance and Reset the body to enable optimal, pain free function

  • Feel Great in 5 - The Ultimate Health Reboot - fast effective tried and tested change

    'Feel Great in 5' offers you so much more than just recipes and set meal plans.  Be inspired, be accountable, learn, change habits, lose weight.  If you're looking for the ultimate reboot to make significant changes to your health then look no further.  

  • Workplace Wellbeing 

    Interactive talks in person and online, health assessments, executive health action plans

Hi and welcome to my website, thank you so much for dropping in.  I hope it brings you a world of health and happiness.

I’m Kate, registered Nutritional Therapist and founder of Bespoke Nutritional Therapy in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. 

BA hons & Dip Dance Theatre, Dip ION, mBANT, CNHC

I'm on a mission to inform, inspire, and encourage a healthy happier you.   

I believe that with good nutritious food and lifestyle choices the body can heal itself.

My Journey

As an ex-dancer and later a busy TV Producer/Director I was on the classic “grab and go” diet, fuelling my body with whatever I could find, eating out and ‘drinking’ far too much.  Little did I know that these choices played havoc with my health.  I was constantly exhausted and run down with colds, cold sores, bad skin, and weight gain.  

Having children was my wake up call.  I became acutely aware of what we ate and made sure everything was clean, natural, organic and fresh.  I discovered I could turn my health around with diet, lifestyle and specific supplements. I began to plan and shop efficiently, taught myself to cook nutrient dense food, exercised regularly and lost weight.  I glowed, had infinite energy and felt the best ‘ME’ ever.  

This new found health spurred me into studying at the prestigious Institute for Optimal Nutrition (ION) and I’m now passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience to empower you to feel the best ‘YOU’ ever. 

Become a client here kate@bespokenutritionaltherapy.co.uk 07971 647444

If you're suffering from any of these symptoms, we can help. It's time to get the support you need.

Fatigue, weight gain, tendency to constipation, poor circulation, low blood sugar, general depression and anxiety, joint aches and pains, muscle weakness, salt cravings, hypotension, loss of body hair, allergies, poor exercise tolerance, low level of hydrochloric acid (acid reflux), need for excessive sleep, lowered resistance to infection, unstable pupillary reflex, skin pigmentation, tolerance to cold, subnormal body temperature, poor response to thyroxine (thyroid drug).

Click here to book a FREE discovery call to see how I can help

Client Testimonials

  • I became more mindful of all that I ate and drank over the 5 weeks, and I hope to continue many of the good habits that I have acquired over the last few weeks”

    Sarah G

  • “I really enjoyed the support and enthusiasm of Kate Black. I didn’t always enjoy having to think what I was going to eat but I did enjoy the result of getting into a goos way of eating”


  • “My digestion has improved beyond belief and I know that I can now control my issues through diet without the need for drugs. My blood sugars have also stabilised so I don’t get insatiable hunger late in the afternoon. I genuinely feel less hungry because I am eating the right things”


  • “After 5 years suffering from acid indigestion and other minor ailments, Kate helped to alleviate my symptoms which enabled me to take myself off medication. She gave me a real understanding of what foods were triggers and how to make better nutritional choices. She is clearly passionate about nutrition and I’d recommend her if you want to address the cause rather than the symptoms. ”

    Scott, Harpenden

My vision at Bespoke Nutritional Therapy is to inform, inspire and encourage a healthier happier you, so you can feel LIGHTER, BRIGHTER and FULL OF ENERGY.